ABC Kids Expo 2013 – Day 1

Over the next week I will be posting a compilation of updates from the ABC Kids expo for some mommy friends of mine and anyone else who is interested. Since I am not there (but I hope to be someday!), these photos and product details are coming from other baby gear sources who are. I will try my hardest to give photo credits to whom they are due – and if I mess up, please let me know! WordPress is being a little finicky and has deleted a few of the captions…just let me know if there is an issue. I don’t mean to step on anyones toes!

So without further ado – here are your Day 1 ABC Expo updates:

4 Moms

4moms had the most anticipated announcements of Day 1. They announced the release of 3 new products (which are now all available for viewing @

1.) The 4 Moms Origami mini – a lightweight, self powered, self folding, iPhone charging stroller

*update: check out a video sneak peak from BabyGizmo here*

photo credit: @baby_list

photo credit: @baby_list

photo credit: @thebump

photo credit: @thebump

photo credit: @thebabyguynyc

photo credit: @thebabyguynyc

2.) The Rockaroo – the tagline for this product is “reinventing the baby swing”. It looks like an update/improvement to the Mamaroo

photo credit: @baby_list

photo credit: @baby_list

3.) 4moms infant car seat – it is supposedly installs itself. Apparently it knows when the anchors are attached and tightens and levels itself at the touch of a button.

*update: the self installing car seat is still in early prototype mode, and expected release isn’t until the end on 2014 (and lets be honest…its ALWAYS longer than expected). So if you are currently expecting it may not be ready in time for your baby. So far, it looks like the seat will be rated from 4-22lbs (not that impressive) and will surely be VERY pricey. So…meh.*

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 6.41.51 PM

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photo credit: @thebabyguynyc

photo credit: @thebabyguynyc


**update: All convertibles that once had a 70 lb limit now will have a 65 lb limit due to new testing standards. They are also dropping the numbers from the end of the seat names. So the Roundabout 55 will now be the Roundabout, the Marathon 70 will be the Marathon, etc. Babies R Us will have an exlusive on an Ultimate COmfort Series of the new G4 seats with memory foam**

new Affinity stroller

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photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @themaven

photo credit: @themaven

photo credit: @babydickey

photo credit: @babydickey

they also have new fashions for their car seats

photo credit: @eae413

photo credit: @eae413

Skip hop

is adding a line of toddler bedding to their collection

photo credit: @shannonguyton

They will also be releasing this limited edition diaper bag

photo credit: @childmode

photo credit: @childmode

and their Playspot in yellow/grey

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @BabyGizmo


This a new fashion for the Inertia infant seat with anti-rebound bar

photo credit: @BabyTrend

photo credit: @BabyTrend

They also have umbrella strollers in a variety of colors


photo credit: @BabyTrend

Here is a shot of their car seat display


photo credit: @BabyTrend

Baby Jogger

New for this year is the Baby Jogger Vue. It is umbrella stroller with a reversible seat(!) priced @ $199

*update: check out a sneak peak video by BabyGizmo here*

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photo credit: @thebabyguynyc


photo credit: @BabyGizmo

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photo credit: @erinclane


Here are some snaps of the new Orbit G3


photo credit: @erinclane

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photo credit: @BabyGizmo

Mamas and Papas

Armadillo Stoller

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

Safety 1st

Elite 80 Air 3-in-1 car seat

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @BabyGizmo


baby carriers


photo credit: @babies411


This is a beautiful new pattern on the Lillebaby Complete

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photo credit: @erinclane

Jane Strollers

Jane is a European stroller company…until now! They are coming to the US! I know they have some great doubles, I cant wait to see more pics.

photo credit: @thebump

photo credit: @thebump

*update: here is a photo of the Powertwin*

photo credit: @popsugarmoms

photo credit: @popsugarmoms


Mix stroller coming next year

photo credit: @bigcitymoms

photo credit: @bigcitymoms

The Nuna Ivvi Luxx stroller will have an all-weather seat. The fabric zips in/out as you need it

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photo credit: thebabyguynyc

Peg Perego

This is the New Peg Perego Book Pop Up stroller.  It folds with the bassinet attached and the bassinet collapses with a squeeze.

Screen Shot 2013-10-15 at 3.45.39 PM

photo credit: @thebabyguynyc

New Peg Perego Primo Viaggio 4-35 infant car seat. More comfortable and lighter than previous model, has inserts for optimal positioning for premies, a no-rethread harness, euro belt route, AND the handle flips to become an anti-rebound when installed without base.

*update: the infant seat is being called the “four thirty-five”. Harness is no rethread. Base includes “right tight” system to ensure proper tightness. Even though it has a high weight limit, it only measures 26″ front to back (similiar to a Chicco key fit) so it wont take up as much front row legroom as some other high limit seats. And it will be 2.2 pound lighter than the older model peg infant seat. It also has a label showing not to put it on top of a shopping cart (!!!).

shown here with preemie sized doll (look how nice the upholstery is!)*

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photo credit: @larneill

photo credit: @larneill

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photo credit: thebabyguynyc

Clima Cover that helps regulate body temperature of the kiddo. It is used in hospitals and flame retardant. Looks like it is available for the infant seat as well.

*update: the infant clima is $70 and the convertible is $100*

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photo credit: thebabyguynyc

They also have a showercap style cover called the “Igloo”, a cupholder for the convertible seat ($25) and a travel bag for all carseats ($60)

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All black version of the Tatamia high chair

photo credit: @larneill

photo credit: @larneill


new Aton Q infant seat *update:The Aton Q won a JPMA innovation Award! but it will be priced @ $349…ouch*

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

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ingrid and isabel

maternity pants with low back support


photo credit: @shannonguyton


New 4 position (read: capable of front facing) Ergo carrier called the Ergo 360

photo credit: @thesimplemoms

photo credit: @thesimplemoms

they are also introducing a wrap

photo credit: @ergobaby

photo credit: @ergobaby

Aden and Anais

New “Musy Mate” lovie

photo credit: @projectnursery

photo credit: @projectnursery

Million Dollar Baby

Babyletto is introducing a bedding line

photo credit: @projectnursery

photo credit: @projectnursery

MDB is also introducing the “Lolly” crib

photo credit: @projectnursery

photo credit: @projectnursery


This is a funky looking lucite chair from Mima

photo credit: project nursery

photo credit: project nursery

Moon high chair

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @BabyGizmo


they also showed this stroller (I don’t have a name yet)*

photo credit: @thebump

photo credit: @thebump

photo credit: @childmode

photo credit: @childmode


new iPad TV for the car

photo credit: @BabyChic101

photo credit: @BabyChic101

Bambino Mio

New prints

photo credit: @BabyGizmo

photo credit: @BabyGizmo


it looks like the have a new iPad version of their popular baby monitor

photo credit: @AudreyMcClellan

photo credit: @AudreyMcClellan

Roux Roo

This is a company that makes some awesome bold graphic swaddles

photo credit: @rouxroobaby

photo credit: @rouxroobaby

photo credit: @itsjennab

photo credit: @itsjennab